

Hello! I am originally from India and moved to the US in 2021. I currently work as a researcher at Mount Sinai. I love to read, watch movies and shows, meditation and I love to explore new hobbies that help with mindfulness! Ideally I would have a healthy morning routine with meditation, working out, having a nice breakfast etc, but let’s see if that works out! I do not have any pets and unfortunately I won’t be able to live with pets. I would love to hang out with my roommates every once in a while, do anything together – cook, watch shows, have a wine night, play games, explore the city or just talk! But I respect everyone’s space as well and like my own space too.

Roommate Perk

I’ve been told I’m a great listener and would absolutely love to hear your stories and rants. I’m fairly anxious about causing a problem to others so I guess that’s a perk for my roommates because I’ll always make sure I clean up after myself, am not too noisy etc. I’m not sure if I cook well? But I do cook Indian food so you’ll get to eat that, no matter how mediocre!

Ideal roommate

Ideally I would like to be roommates with girls, but I’m not opposed to having male roommates as long as everyone cleans up after themselves. I’d like my roommates to be clean and openly communicate about things I am doing wrong and be receptive to my feedback as well. Personality-wise, I don’t mind if they’re extroverts or if they are introverts, but the open communication factor is the most important to me. I don’t mind noise that much, because I lived with noisy people before and I got used to listening to white noise to go to sleep.

Apartment applying for