

I am from Anchorage, AK. Currently a server but my background is in mental health and social work. I was a counselor for 4 years at an out patient clinic for young adults. Hoping to continue working in that field while I pursue artistic ventures on the side. I love art, hiking, travel, animals and horror movies!

Roommate Perk

My roommate perk is that I am a great communicator. Organization and scheduling is my bread and butter. I also have a pretty good memory!

Ideal roommate

Ideally, I would like to room with clean, low key individuals. I’m a huge homebody so I value a tidy and quiet space.

I love introverts and extroverts alike so no preference there. I also don’t really have a preference on gender but I find myself getting along with female/femme individuals best.

Dealbreakers for me are mostly substance use, excessive partying, 0 communication, and criminal history (of varying degrees – I just don’t want to be in a space with a sex offender)

Apartment applying for