I was born in Boston and grew up in Florida, so I’m definitely an East Coast girl! I work in digital marketing and love what I do. When I’m not working, I’m usually either grabbing/making dinner with friends or catching up on whatever I’m binging (right now, it’s Lucifer.) I have a super sweet cat, Lila, who shadows me and loves to sleep in the sun. She’s a fan of any big window and usually entertains herself with people watching.
#Myroommateperk is I love to cook and I’m always happy to share! I also love exploring new happy hours and accompanying people when they want to try something but have no one to go with.
My ideal roommate likes cats and is fairly social. I’ve had different genders of roommates with varying levels of extroversion and we have always lived together well. The only deal breaker that comes to mind is someone who leaves dishes in the sink for more than a week.