

My background is Haitian raised in Brooklyn moved to Long Island For my 11th grade year and graduated in Long Island also attended my first year in college there as well now I’m looking to move out of the area in to something more urban and fast pace especially for someone’s who’s used to fast pace. I work in home health aid taking care of elderly people with everyday living

Roommate Perk

I’m a roommate that is very quiet and clean. I keep to myself and you won’t know that I am home. I respect people especially their space, company, and food and expect the same in return.

Ideal roommate

I expect my roommate to be to themselves as I am and RESPECTFUL. Please treat me and my space and my belongings with respect as I will with you and your belongings. The common area that they use should always be kept clean for the next person. My roommate can be either female or male but I prefer female.

Apartment applying for