

Hello! My name is Shane, I was born in Louisiana, raised in Maryland, and went to college in North Carolina. I am a marketing coordinator with a Korean skincare company, and will be working in Manhattan. In my free time I like to work out, write, and take photos. I don’t have any pets, and would prefer to not live with one!

Roommate Perk

#Myroommateperk is that I’m a fairly clean person, and generally do all my dishes on the same day of using them. I’m also a great listener, and know a lot about skincare!

Ideal roommate

Gender/race/religion/orientation don’t matter to me, but I prefer to not live with a republican. I like open minded people, who don’t discriminate! Also people who are fairly clean. I am by no means a perfectionist, and do not care if the apartment isn’t totally clean all the time. But I also can’t stand having trash all over the place, or for the dishes to pile up.

Apartment applying for