

I am originally from New England and came to NYC about ten years ago. I started out as a case manager working in supportive housing before going to graduate school at Hunter College. I earned my Master’s Degree in Social Work in 2019 and recently passed my licensing exam to become an LCSW. Currently, I provide clinical supervision at a non-profit and have started private practice as a mental health therapist. I provide telehealth therapy from home but am very quiet, you will barely notice I’m there! I specialize in working with LGBTQ+ folks and am queer myself. For fun I love playing video games, either PS5 or Nintendo switch, going out for karaoke, and horror movies.

Roommate Perk

I really enjoy making treats and baking for everyone. I always pick up after myself and like to spend time in between my sessions during the day to clean around the house. I consider myself good at direct and open communication and really try to make sure that everyone is comfortable in the shared space. I have a nice love seat that is also a pull out bed I could potentially bring for the common area if there is interest in that.

Ideal roommate

I would prefer roommates who endeavor to have a certain amount of cleanliness (not leaving food out or dirt on the floor, etc). Also please talk to me if you ever have a question or concern! Otherwise I’m pretty flexible. I’m okay with roommates of any gender identity.

Apartment applying for