

I just transferred to New York, for a program manager role. I am looking for a co-living space, and would love to find a space that has a little area for me to log on and work from home.

I am super easy going and really enjoy communal living as a lifestyle choice. Chances are, I’ll have something in common with whoever I co-live with; I love to socialize, when I have time. I cook, but, not to the amount that I’ll take over the entire kitchen for hours at a time 🙂

I adhere to COVID precautions and appreciate an environment where others are aware as well. LGBTQI friendly. No QANON, MAGA, or other extremist views. I’m a peaceful, fun loving individual and get along with most folks.

Looking forward to meeting some great roomies and getting to know this amazing part of the country! I love good food, COVID friendly day trips, music and more. Let’s meet up and create some community!

Roommate Perk

I make a mean steak and kale salad, I’m always down to watch a Tiny Desk concert and I love to day trip. I’m that guy that will rent a car and just go on a drive, especially when the weather gets better. I’m somewhat handy as well.

Ideal roommate

I have been co-living for many years and have lived with just about every type of room mate imaginable. My main criteria is a clean and peaceful environment, with clear communication. I’m not here for bickering and arguments; most issues can be avoided if everyone “owns” keeping the communal areas neat and being mindful of who they bring in the house, especially during COVID. I have no preference of gender when it comes to roommates, but, I have found that a mix of genders makes for a nice balance of energy in the house. I am queer and trans, so, I’m very LGBTQI friendly. I do drink and eat meat, so, not looking to be in a household where that is frowned upon. Lastly, I prefer roommates who are employed or have some sort of activity that they do most of the time as it gets annoying when someone is just posted up in the living room, watching TV constantly. Also, a mindful level of visitors is desired. I totally fine with a few, but, don’t want to deal with a nonstop influx of strangers coming and going. I prefer rooming with those who can agree that it is good manners to send a text when you will have guests over, so that other house members are aware.

Apartment applying for